Why do we humans crave immediacy? I believe humans crave immediacy because it provides instant gratification and a sense of being part of the experience. The desire for instant gratification is often associated with difficulty coping with uncertainty, coming from a lack of future perspectives. To understand why that happens, let’s think about basic human needs like the need to breathe, eat, or drink. We basically act on the pleasure principle, which is a mechanism that protects us from pain, suffering, and eventual death. By following the pleasure principle, we simply follow our feelings and act in what we think is the best for us, without delay. The more a situation is uncertain, the more we engage in following the pleasure principle to guarantee at all costs that we will survive. In the digital world that we’re all living in now, it’s clear that the more information changes, the more we want to keep up with those changes. All we’re doing, without even realizing, is feeding on instant gratification.