Bruno Pedro
2 min readOct 23, 2020

The difference between doing and not doing is in the intention. Those that really want something to happen will go to great lengths to make sure that it gets done. Those that are not sure or, even worse, don’t care about the outcome of something will not even think about starting it. Doing transforms a thought into action and sets the beginning of the journey. Even if the outcome is not totally favorable, the simple act of doing elevates the purpose by translating it into reality. Not doing makes you think about the outcome more than the actions that might lead to it, and you end up getting lost in thoughts and plans of grandiosity as the goal post keeps changing all the time.

It’s not by chance that Nike’s “just do it” slogan works so well. Athletes don’t win races by thinking about crossing the finish line. They win by actually running, one step at a time. They envision the finish line but as a reminder of where the path leads them, not as a dream of something that they wish would happen. Not acting makes you feel that you can’t accomplish anything while your mind tricks you into thinking that you could if you wanted to. The trick being played is that you don’t do it because you choose not to, not because you can’t. The difference between someone who doesn’t show any progress and someone who finishes a few things, some with success, some without, is enormous. Those who finish things are seen as dependable, while those who don’t do anything are expendable. Not doing makes your mind wander because your body is stale and void of activity. Not doing makes you think more than what you should.

Bruno Pedro
Bruno Pedro

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